About me

Male, 75 (born August 1949) with the health, physical fitness, and desire to do just what I’m doing now. An avid runner and cyclist since 2003, with outrigger canoe paddling added in 2008. Background in forestry including eleven summers in fire suppression, five years of pine beetle management, and fifteen years of self-employment doing GPS traversing for forest licensees. Very self-reliant.

3 thoughts on “About me

  1. Ron – what an incredible adventure you are having. It’s inspiring to read your travelogue, it takes guts, determination and more than a little “self reliance” to attempt what you are doing. I look forward to your next update. Bill Stephens

  2. Hey Ron….sounds like an awesome journey 4 u over in NZ…& u had an awesome 2014 also 4 sure!. I have some freedom now as well….out of fs 2 yrs now….did lots of travel over past few yrs too….in 2014 was in Inuvik, northern Que near Labrador & Iceland & hiked mt. Blanc area.I like your adventurous spirit & having fun….. keep well, Rob

  3. Great to meet you the other night at Mangaehuehu Hut, John here the DOC guy. Hope you enjoy the rest of your trip around the Mountain! Waihohonu Hut is flash ae!

    take care

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